2-ая Всероссийская научная конференция с участием иностранных ученых
«Успехи органической геохимии»
30-31 марта 2022 г., г.Новосибирск

General information


Dear Colleagues!

With this in mind, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Siberian Branch RAS, Department of Earth Sciences RAS, Scientific Council for Problems of Mining Sciences RAS, Novosibirsk State University and Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS announce the conference dedicated to the 120-th anniversary of N.B.Vassoevich and the 95-th anniversary of S.G.Neruchev.


March 30, 2022 will mark 120 years since the birth of Nikolai B. Vassoevich the corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Nikolai Vassoevich was an outstanding Soviet geologist and geochemist, Dr Sc (geol.-mineral.), professor , one of the founders of naftide genesis theory who made an invaluable contribution to the sedimentary migration theory of oil formation, to the study of problems of organic geochemistry of recent sediments and organic matter incorporated therein, geology and geochemistry of coals, oil and hydrocarbon gases.

October 2, 2022 will mark 95 years since the birth of Sergey G. Neruchev, the renowned geologist of RSFSR, Dr Sc in geology and mineralogy, professor. Sergey G. Neruchev was an outstanding Soviet and Russian petroleum geologist and geochemist, a researcher engaged in the fundamental and applied problems of organic geochemistry and petroleum geology. S.G. Neruchev was the initiator of numerous research into the problem of the organic origin of oil and gas, organic geochemistry, and participated in the development of methods for petroleum prospect prediction and assessment. Sergey G. Neruchev considered himself a disciple of Nikolay B. Vassoevich.