2-ая Всероссийская научная конференция с участием иностранных ученых
«Успехи органической геохимии»
30-31 марта 2022 г., г.Новосибирск

Additional info


Online registration for the conference participants is open at the website http://vassoevich-neruchev2022.ipgg.sbras.ru. If you have any problems with your online registration, please, fill in the Registration Form for conference participants and send the scan copy to the Organizing Committee OrganicGeochemistry@ipgg.sbras.ru before January 15, 2022, with an indication “registration form”+ name in the subject line (e.g.: Registration form, John West).



 Name, surname:
 Contributors (please, underline the name of the person who will be presenting): Name, surname
 Title of the presentation (can be putative):
 Presentation: oral / poster (please, delete or  underline as appropriate)
 Affiliation (company/ institution name; position):
 Academic credentials:
 Cell phone number:
 E-mail:
 Form of participation (please, delete/cross out as appropriate):
Oral presentation
Oral presentation online
Poster presentation
Participation with the publication of abstracts without presentation
Listener participation